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The Beautiful Voices of Hinge Point | Utah Brand Photography

Writer: LisaLisa

I have known the Egan Family for over 20 years. I truly look up to them in so many ways. They are humble, kind, generous, and have no guile for anyone.

Recently three of six children formed a trio. They were inspired by their mother who believed the world needed more kindness and Christ-like love in the world (and Heavens knows we do). They perform both covers from different artists and their own original songs.

I was honored when they asked me to take some promotional photographs for them. We used Studio 1918 for the shoot. It was great because the grittiness of the studio was a great contrast to their sweetness!

This video was made to celebrate a wonderful mutual friend, Indy Lew Jones. She is the daughter of Brian and Terah Jones. This little miracle girl has gone through more in her short life than most could possibly go through in ten lifetimes. To make a very long story short. Her parents went through much strife to bring Indy into this world. When she did arrive, they discovered she had Down Syndrome. This did not slow her or her parents down. Unfortunately, it was not too long after, she was diagnosed with leukemia. Her parents battled and did everything they could to heal their sweet Indy. Both medically and holistically. All the while Indy touched many lives with her resilience and love. Her parents were tireless in their efforts to heal their baby.

Indy did go into remission. But, the cancer came back with a vengeance. She had other complications with her lungs also. Again, her parents soldiered on working day and night, fighting for Indy. This sweet little girl always smiled and kept her sweet, happy disposition. At one point the doctors told Brian and Terrah to take Indy home, the cancer was too far along. Just make her comfortable. Within months, Indy was cancer-free. After being cancer-free for a year, again the cancer has returned behind her eye and the world again is keeping their fingers crossed for this angel.

Indy is a true-blue miracle and a hero to so many of us. If you would like to follow her story, you can follow Terah. I promise you will be uplifted!

You can follow Hinge Point on Instagram or Youtube

I'd LOVE to work with and your Brand! Please contact me to book your Brand session! To view more of my work, follow me on Instagram.



Hi I'm Lisa!

My everyday mission is to find joy and to spread joy.  It's not always easy, but I try my best!

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